Kcv Child Sponsor

Increasingly consumers, employees and investers are looking for companies to demonstrate the commitment to corporate social responsibility and willingness to make a positive global economic and social impact.

By partnering with K-CV work your company can help make the world a better place for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

To entrepreneurs or sponsors who want to get involved with K-CV we give you also the opportunity to register your company Logo on our homepage and link it with your own homepage.

Ihr Beitrag!

    [group curr-USD][/group] [group curr-EUR][/group] [group curr-KSH][/group]

    Enter Your Personal Data


    Please indicate your address if donation receipt is desired:

    (22 characters without space)

    (8 or 11 characters)

    I/We herewith agree to the direct debit of the donation and confirm that I am/ We are the account holder

    You can within eight weeks beginning with the processing date, reimbursement of the debited amount.

    Our creditors ID: DE83ZZZ00001601109

    Note to debit: Your monthly payment will be processed on the 1st of the month. Your SEPA-Mandate is carried out at the earliest possible date in the following month. You will receive your Mandate reference number separately by Mail shortly.

    I authorizeWe authorize

    [/group][group transfer]

    If you do not want to donate online you can also transfer your donation to our account, either through your own online banking or with a transfer voucher in your bank branch or download our bank voucher and send us your donation.