Did you know? Your donation receipt will be automatically sent with a single donation starting from 200$ 200€ and over.
Your individual donations up to 200$ 200€ can be simply taxed by means of deposit receipt or account statement of your bank.The representation of An official donation receipt is only required from a donation ammount of 200 and above (of a donation).
K-CV association has also this new annual limits, and will only issue additional grants for single donations from 200$ 200€ and over. In the case of online donation, a donation receipt is only possible from a donation amount of 200 and above. We ask for your understanding! Just get in touch with us if you would like a yearly donation receipt for your collected donation amounts.
K-CV has also been exempt from corporation tax, trade tax and wealth for the purposes of * promotion of youth welfare and youth welfare as well as the promotion of science and research“ within the meaning of paragraph 51 § , scientific and of the charitable purposes, which are recognized as particularly eligible, shall be deductible up to a total of 20 percent of the total contribution of the income or 4 per thousand of the sum of the total turnover and the wages and salaries spent in the Calender year as special expenditure.
Request a confirmation receipt of your donation here
You have not received a confirmation of your donation (formerly donation receipt) Please use the form below to indicate the amount of your donation. After checking, we will send you the relevant documents immediately.
Please fill in all required fields marked with*
Thank you!
Asante Sana!