K-CV Events

K-CV first half marathon for poverty eradication

K-CV Events


    Application form for marathon participants


    Enter your Address

    [group curr-USD][/group] [group curr-EUR][/group] [group curr-KSH][/group]

    [group bank-withdrawal]

    (22 characters without space)

    (8 or 11 characters)

    I/We hereby authorize/s the Organization K-CV respective to collect membership fee at maturity of my above account by direct debit. At the same time I/We instruct our bank to honor the Organization drawn by K-CV to my/our bank account debits.

    Note: I/We can within eight weeks beginning with the processing date, reimbursement of the debited amount. Application in this regard agreed with my/our bank conditions.

    Our creditors ID: DE83ZZZ00001601109

    Note to debit: Your monthly payment will be processed on the 1st of the month. Your SEPA-Mandate is carried out at the earliest possible date in the following month. You will receive your Mandate reference number separately by Mail shortly.

    The applicantI authorizeWe authorize

    [/group][group transfer]

    you do not want to donate online, but rather transfer your donation to kcv account? Of course, you can also transfer your donation to our account, either through your own online banking or with a transfer voucher in your bank branch or download our bank voucher and send us your donation.

    [easy_media_download url="https://kenya-childvision.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/sepa_edited.compressed.pdf" target="_blank" force_dl="1" color="blue" text="Download transfer voucher" width="250"]

    [/group] [group paypal]

    [wp_paypal button="subscribe" name="Become a Member" amount="10.00" recurrence="1" period="M" src="1" return="https://kenya-childvision.org/become-a-member-2/"]

    [/group] [group credit-card]



    Time remaining

    [wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”” text_for_hour=”” text_for_minut=”” text_for_second=”” countdown_end_type=”date” end_date=”16-12-2017 08:00″ start_time=”1485114162″ end_time=”0,1,1″ action_end_time=”hide” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ][/wpdevart_countdown]

    Vanue: Butula, Busia County in Kenya

    [mappress mapid=”1″]